What is EveryAction?

EveryAction is a unified constituent relationship management (CRM) system that facilitates nonprofit fundraising, digital outreach, and advocacy efforts. Created by a team who have held senior digital, fundraising, and organizing roles at nonprofits, this CRM empowers nonprofits just like yours to manage all of your primary fundraising, marketing, and advocacy efforts, both online and offline, within one robust solution.

EveryAction Pricing

EveryAction pricing starts at $109 per month for a unified CRM package, including development and digital tools. Because EveryAction is a highly customizable solution, each nonprofit that uses it will be investing in a unique instance. As a result, the pricing of EveryAction varies for each nonprofit investing in it depending on the organization’s size and particular needs.

EveryAction’s pricing tends to be more accessible than other robust solutions on the market (e.g., Blackbaud and Salesforce). The best way to ascertain EveryAction’s pricing for your nonprofit is to contact their team to request a demo and quote.

The pricing of EveryAction extends beyond the initial investment. For example, you’ll likely also want to invest in nonprofit tech strategy consulting to handle data migration, platform customization, implementation, team training, and other highly-technical processes.

Primary Integrations

As far as integrations are concerned, EveryAction is notable for its ready-built connections with popular social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

These social network integrations equip your team with social matching, social sharing, and even precision control over targeted Facebook Ads. These connections can drastically simplify your organization’s outreach efforts.

EveryAction also integrates with Salesforce, ROI Solutions, Wealth Engine, Zoom, Google Sheets, Apple Pay, Paypal, and more. Beyond that, EveryAction is an incredibly malleable solution. This means that your development team can build out the additional integrations that your organization uniquely requires.

EveryAction is equipped with a full suite of online and offline fundraising features, allowing your nonprofit to raise funds from supporters near and far.

EveryAction offers a complete suite of direct response and major gift fundraising tools to meet your development needs. Grant management, moves management action plans, a direct response planning wizard and segmentation tool, and DonorTrends predictive modeling are some of the key features included.

In addition to the ability to accept online donations, you can create a convenient giving process with one-click donations and self-service portals so donors can update their giving preferences without having to contact your team. Upgrading donors to sustainers is quick and easy, and lightboxes with dynamic ask strings make it simple to make sure you’re asking the right donor for the right gift, every time.

You can manage the logistics of peer-to-peer fundraising events and even empower donors to make tribute donations in honor of their loved ones. You can also target segments in EveryAction through Facebook Advertising.

All fundraising activities, ROI analysis, and major market scoring can be seen in one view from the Fundraisers Dashboard or in EveryActions robust reporting tool. As a unified database, all of your reporting happens in one place, giving you a 360-degree view of your programs and ensuring accurate and useful data.


Some of EveryAction’s most notable features are those empowering nonprofits and advocates to inspire social and political action. The platform has tools for conducting essential advocacy efforts, including click-to-call, one-click petitions, social advocacy, assured delivery of emailed communications, and an Elected Officials Lookup tool that allows supporters to easily find and contact local representatives.

Additionally, EveryAction has powerful tools that empower your staff to canvass, recruit supporters, and accept contributions on-the-go. This is done through a mobile canvassing platform, MiniVAN, that funnels data directly into your central EveryAction instance. Read this DNL OmniMedia guide to advocacy apps for nonprofits to understand the power of mobile advocacy tools.

Strong fundraising and advocacy efforts are powered by comprehensive data and effective data management strategies. With a custom report builder and the ability to create built-in data visualizations, EveryAction enables your nonprofit to take efficient action and measure the results as you do so. You’ll get a 360-degree view of your programs and your donors in seconds with reports that capture both online and offline fundraising and actions. Easily target your fundraising and advocacy efforts with precision due to EveryAction’s DonorTrends functionality, which empowers you to score supporters based on past interactions.

Finally, EveryAction is one of the leading providers of PAC compliance reporting. If you’re required to submit any state or federal reports, you can easily do so with the click of a button through EveryAction.

EveryAction equips your team with tools to conduct effective, omnichannel marketing campaigns. This includes robust email marketing capabilities, such as workflow automation with built-in templates and the ability to create emails with conditional and personalized content, multivariate testing, and one-click actions. And now, with SMS, you can broadcast calls to action over text message as well as email to your supporters.

EveryAction is also prepared to help you harness digital opportunities by assisting your team with building custom, mobile-responsive websites on the Drupal content management system. To explore the process further, review this DNL OmniMedia guide to nonprofit website design, which shows how to tackle one of these projects.

Nonprofits are in a unique position where they’re not only managing employees and constituents but also often a strong volunteer force that’s eager to contribute. EveryAction offers dedicated volunteer management tools empowering you to create volunteer profiles, segment supporters by custom tags and identifiers, track sign-ups, schedule volunteer shifts, and even recruit and onboard new participants.

EveryAction has features for those nonprofits that maintain membership programs as well. For example, you can automate communications to new and current members, set renewal criteria and automated reminders, track data surrounding your membership program, and upgrade and recover members with targeted, automated campaigns.

EveryAction has features allowing your nonprofit to not only host events, but to empower your supporters to host their own as well. With EveryAction, you can manage the logistics of events, including invites, RSVPs, and the roles of each participant in the experience. You can offer various ticketing options, creating tiers to raise the ideal amount from each segment of your donor population. With EveryAction’s Zoom meeting and webinar integrations, you can take your events virtual with a click of a button.

Your supporters can host events and throw fundraisers or community events independently and send the information into your database. After these events, you can analyze the data gathered to determine success and improvement opportunities going forward.

EveryAction was designed to be a comprehensive solution that brings all nonprofit fundraising and tech operations under one unified umbrella. With EveryAction, you can manage digital and offline fundraising, digital marketing, advocacy, events, and more, without integrating a variety of solutions to do so.

EveryAction boasts expansive direct integrations with popular social media platforms, industry-leading analytics software, and even nonprofit tech startups. However, the most recent iteration of EveryAction also equips your team with a team of in-house data experts and impactful APIs. Whether you’re seeking assistance, building out an intuitive integration, or your developer simply needs the tools to make the connection, EveryAction has the resources to help.

While EveryAction is a robust solution for managing nonprofit operations, it’s highly accessible for nonprofit professionals to interact with regularly. It boasts a straightforward interface, intuitive navigation, and mobile responsiveness right out of the box. Further, the platform has intuitive workflow automation with existing templates. With this capability, you can trigger an automated email series to welcome new supporters, reengage subscribers, and recapture lapsed supporters.

Use a multi-channel strategy to communicate with supporters during COVID-19.

When your organization was just starting out— whether as a growing nonprofit or when introducing tech for the first time— you probably invested in a handful of solutions, each designed to meet a specific operational need. Now that you’re an established organization managing a variety of disparate solutions is likely no longer efficient. If you’re ready to compile your various nonprofit tech solutions into one comprehensive solution, investing in EveryAction is a great next step. If you’re just beginning your tech journey, EveryAction is a user-friendly solution with basic capabilities that can get you started on the right foot and can grow with you.

EveryAction was launched by NGP VAN, which is a voter contact database and political fundraising and compliance tool. The platform’s early origins are connected with political action, and because of that, it was created with advocacy efforts in mind. If your organization is looking to inspire political action, you’ll likely benefit from EveryAction’s advocacy features including one-click actions, geopolitical mapping, ensured advocacy message delivery, social trending tools, and street canvasser mobilization.

EveryAction equips your team’s developer with a Developer Portal. Through this, your team can access comprehensive information about how to customize the platform to meet your exact needs. Whether building integrations, adding supporters to your database, creating custom database fields, or enabling supporters to sign up for an event— this portal breaks down the code for developing your EveryAction platform as needed. Of course, as many nonprofits don’t work with an internal team of database experts, we recommend bringing in a nonprofit tech consultant to manage this customization.

As we’ve covered, nonprofits investing in EveryAction will likely be evolving their tech stack from a handful of smaller solutions to the comprehensive CRM and digital fundraising/advocacy platform. This will involve a massive migration of data from each separate platform into EveryAction, to ensure the new platform contains all historical data. This is often a pain point for nonprofit organizations, so it’s important to develop a clear plan for data migration.

Here are a few questions to keep in mind when creating your data migration plan:

  • Who will own the data migration process to ensure the full transfer is completed?
  • Which databases and software solutions need to be migrated to EveryAction?
  • Should your organization invest in nonprofit tech strategy consulting to manage the transfer?
Cleaning up your database before moving to TeamRaiser will help you get more use from your donor data.

While EveryAction is a robust solution, it’s unlikely to be the only tech tool your nonprofit is using to manage operations. For example, you might be using social media to conduct outreach and app technology to conduct mobile advocacy. You might even opt to keep some of your existing tech tools (e.g., your website) rather than transferring all of your operations to EveryAction. It’s important that you first develop a nonprofit digital strategy, which is essentially a plan for how your various tech tools will be used to reach your fundraising and outreach goals.

When developing your nonprofit digital strategy, consider the following:

  • What are the goals you want to achieve using technology?
  • Which software solutions will you use, and what is the purpose of each?
  • Are there areas where you can integrate portions of your digital strategy to simplify the process overall?

EveryAction is a robust solution that not only encompasses a variety of operations but also allows extensive customization. To benefit from the full functionality of EveryAction, we recommend investing in additional support and nonprofit tech consulting. A consultant can manage a variety of tasks, including data migration, platform customization, and even workflow automation.

When considering EveryAction support, keep the following questions in mind:

  • Will you work with EveryAction’s internal consultants or invest in specialized third-party consulting?
  • Does your budget allow for investment in the platform as well as additional consulting?
  • What EveryAction consulting services would benefit your team the most?

Because EveryAction is an expansive platform covering a variety of tasks, you’ll likely have a variety of teams across your platform interacting with it. It’s crucial that each team member can effectively manage the solution and their particular role within it, and that’s where training comes into play. Often, organizations invest in dedicated training for their team from the start to ensure the investment doesn’t go to waste. This can be done directly through the EveryAction community training sessions, or by working with an EveryAction consulting partner such as DNL OmniMedia.

Here are a few questions to consider when investing in training for your team:

  • Which team members are most in need of training?
  • Which portions of the solution would your team benefit from training on?
  • Will you work with an EveryAction trainer or a third-party consultant?

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Advocacy Apps for Nonprofits: 8 Features Your Team Needs

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