Guest Blogging Guidelines

Posted In DNL Updates
DNL Omnimedia

Contributor Guidelines

Thanks for your interest in contributing to DNL OmniMedia’s blog. We’re glad to have you here, and we sincerely hope to share your expertise with our readers in the near future. We also welcome the opportunity to contribute to your blog.

Below, we provide insight into the quality we expect of our guest contributors. Read these style and submissions guidelines before beginning your blog or reaching out to us. In addition, this page includes a bio and headshot of DNL OmniMedia’s main writer.

If you have any questions that aren’t answered here, please feel free to contact us at

Author Bio

Carl Diesing, Managing Director – Carl co-founded DNL OmniMedia in 2006 and has grown the team to accommodate clients with on-going web development projects. Together DNL OmniMedia has worked with over 100 organizations to assist them with accomplishing their online goals. As Managing Director of DNL OmniMedia, Carl works with nonprofits and their technology to foster fundraising, create awareness, cure disease, and solve social issues. Carl lives in the Hudson Valley with his wife Sarah and their two children Charlie and Evelyn.

Content & Style

There are a range of topics covered on DNL OmniMedia’s blog, and the most popular posts target the nonprofit and fundraising realm. How-to’s are also popular. DNL OmniMedia’s readers expect the blog content to be educational and entertaining in nature with actionable advice included.


Posts cannot be blatantly promotional. Links to your website or blog should be included in the bio at the end of the post. Links pointing to relevant content on a blog from the body of the post are acceptable, but shouldn’t be promotional in nature.

All content must be exclusive to the DNL OmniMedia blog, original, and authored by you.

You can use ideas, concepts, and lessons you have written about in the past as long as the content itself is new. You may also post a snippet on your blog that directs people to the post and links back to DNL OmniMedia.

Style Guide

  • Article length: 1000+ words
  • Author Byline: All articles need some information about you. We can link to your website or blog here, so don’t forget to include those URLs.


All links within the body of a post should be non-promotional. You can link back to your site a maximum of 3 times, and we encourage you to link to other DNL OmniMedia content and reputable articles from around the web as well.


Please follow these guidelines when using specific images or graphics:

  • Format: .jpg or .png
  • Sharing: All contributors should have images they are permitted and licensed to share.


Provide a brief biography describing your expertise. You may include links to personal or company social media profiles.

Submission Guidelines

  • Before you submit, please send your topic idea to Parker Sanders ( for approval.
  • Posts can be submitted as Google doc or standard text via Word doc
  • Author bio + headshot
  • Attach all images to your submission email as single files with labels indicating placement within the article.


Contributors are encouraged to distribute their post throughout social media, newsletters, etc.


A contribution should be original content and not reposted in its entirety on your website or other blog. Discussing the post on your blog while linking to it is acceptable.

Submission Instructions

  • Publication dates will be based on DNL OmniMedia’s editorial calendar. If your blog is approved, we’ll try our best to get in contact with you before publication so you may promote accordingly.
  • DNL OmniMedia reserves the right to edit posts for clarity, grammar, voice, and relevance.

Thanks again for your interest in contributing to DNL OmniMedia’s blog!

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